
Kev Fat

Previously on kevinglynn.net…

…A decade of lethargy in my thirties found me soft and safe, doughy and dependable, but with not as much pure joy as I wanted. Reasonable success at work and happily married, I’d settled into a life much like an over-stuffed sofa: comfortable and shaped just-so, but hard to rise up from.

Playing the MMO EVE Online I either hit rock bottom, or took the first step of a surprising self-improvement plan: Orontes Ovasi took risks that Kevin hadn’t in a long time. Internet space ships were built and destroyed, and panic, loss, failure, and exultation became new spices added to a life that had grown soft on the taste comfort and safety.

The combined embarrassment of getting tired keeping up with my brother’s kids and having my father’s workout program kick my ass led me to a year-long rebooting of my diet and exercise.

Successfully losing 50 pounds gave me the courage to leave my job and go to work for myself. More importantly to go to work with my wife and best friend.Kev London

I’m just trying to interact with my life as interestingly as possible…

Renovating and Curating one Mind